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Saturday 19 November 2011

CS401 Mid Term solved

Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 After the execution of SAR instruction

       The msb is replaced by a 0

       The msb is replaced by 1

       The msb retains its original value

       The msb is replaced by the value of CF

Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 RETF will pop the offset in the
Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The routine that executes in response to an INT instruction  is called





Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The first instruction of “COM” file must be at offset:
Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 “Far” jump is not position relative but is _______________
        memory   dependent 

Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Only ___________ instructions allow moving data from memory to memory.

Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 After the execution of instruction “RET 2”

       SP is incremented by 2

       SP is decremented by 2

       SP is incremented by 4

       SP is decremented by 4

Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 DIV instruction has

       Two forms

       Three forms

       Four forms

       Five forms

Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 When the operand of DIV instruction is of 16 bits then implied dividend will be of

       8 bits              
       16 bits              
       32 bits                  
       64 bits

Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 After the execution of MOVS instruction which of the following registers are updated
       SI only

       DI only

       SI and DI only

       SI, DI and BP only

Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 In 8088 architecture, whenever an element is pushed on the stack
       SP is decremented by 1
       SP is decremented by 2
       SP is decremented by 3
       SP is decremented by 4
Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 When a very large number is divided by very small number so that the quotient is larger than the space provided, this is called

       Divide logical error

       Divide overflow error

       Divide syntax error

       An illegal instruction

Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 In the word designated for one screen location, the higher address contains

       The character code
       The attribute byte
       The parameters
       The dimensions
Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following options contain the set of instructions to open a window to  the video memory?
       mov AX, 0xb008
mov ES, AX
       mov AX, 0xb800
mov ES, AX
       mov AX, 0x8b00
mov ES, AX
       mov AX, 0x800b
mov ES, AX
Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 In a video memory, each screen location corresponds to
       One byte
       Two bytes
       Four bytes
       Eight bytes
Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The execution of the instruction “mov word [ES : 0],  0x0741” will print character  “A” on screen , background color of the screen will be





. Serial Port is also accessible via       I/O      ports ,        COM 1     is accessible via ports 3F8-3FF while     COM 2     is accessible via 2F8 -2FF.

The first register at 3F8 is the    Transmitter   holding register if written to and the receiver    buffer   register if read from.

Other register of our interest include 3F9 whose      Bit  0   must be set to enable received data available interrupt and    Bit    1     must be set to enable transmitter holding register empty interrupt.
(Transmitter, COM 1, I/O ports , COM2. bit 0 , Buffer , 3FA)

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